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Recenzii servicii financiare

O SOdeta Siclovan
Call Center de la BRD

Cu multumiri intregului

Cu multumiri intregului colectiv din Call Center BRD Ro - in mod special dnei Paula Emilia Buruiana - precum si personalului din sucursalele Oradea pentru promptiudinea, rabdarea si profesionalismul de care dau dovada in lucrul cu publicul. Cu dna Paula Emilia Buruiana m-am nimerit de multe ori pe Call center si mi-a rezolvat micile probleme ivite rapid. Vorbeste frumos si are rabdare cu clientii. Cu stima O.S. - Oradea


E MEmilia Mandalac
Cont curent de la ING

Pe data de 3 ianuarie a.

Pe data de 3 ianuarie a.c. cardul meu VISA a fost clonat si mi s-au sustras prin frauda toti banii din cont, aproximativ 900 lei. Am sesizat banca telefonic, deoarece era duminica seara si nu aveam cum altcumva sa opresc furtul. Hotii au retras din contul meu banii prin clonarea cardului, activand Google Pay-ul, astfel mi-am dat seama ca cineva ma fura, deoarece eu personal nu solicitasem activarea acestui serviciu. Tranzactiile erau in asteptare si am solicitat de nenumarate ori, atat telefonic, cat si in agentia ING ca aceste tranzactii sunt neautorizate de mine, drept urmare sa fie oprite de la plata, pe motiv de frauda bancara. Am depus plangere la politie in aceeasi zi, insa am avut neplacuta surpriza ca pe data de 5 ianuarie a.c. sa constat ca platile reclamate de mine ca fiind furt din contul personal, sa fie reglate, platile intelegand ca au fost sustrase din afara tarii, de undeva din Ucraina, deci banca a reglat conform cursului valutar si a mai platit din contul meu platile reclamate ca fiind neautorizate, furate din contul personal. Am fost luni dimineata in agentie sa-mi refact cardul bancar si sa las o sesizare in scris, dar ce credeti? Au refuzat sesizarea in scris pe motiv ca nu este treaba lor, se ocupa politia... Dupa nenumarate apeluri telefonice, in care diversi angajati ai ING-ului imi dadeau fantasmagorice sfaturi, printre care: "sa iau legatura cu comerciantul - d-na Mihaela Mateoiu, SR.Chargeback Specialist Advisory Contact Center Ing Romania - "va recomand sa incercati sa luati legatura si cu comerciantul pentru a-i explica situatia..." - asta in conditiile in care eu nu am niciun fel de informatie in ceea ce priveste comerciantul, "este treaba politiei, nu tine de noi"...Am sunat la politie care m-a asigurat ca banca prin actiunile ei a devenit complice cu hotii.


A AAlexandra Alexandra
Banca pentru locuinte de la BCR Banca pentru Locuinte

As dori sa fiu inclusa i

As dori sa fiu inclusa in grupul de Whatsapp: 0720.500803. Va multumesc!


S SStefana Saulea
Banca pentru locuinte de la BCR

Va rog sa ma adaugati si

Va rog sa ma adaugati si pe mine in grup pentru a intra in proces cu BCR si BPL fiind si eu pacalita cu acest program de economisire .Nr.meu de tel.este 0721338617


S ASaracu Alina Florentina
Banca pentru locuinte de la BCR Banca pentru Locuinte

Acum cativa ani am facut

Acum cativa ani am facut o alegere foarte nefericita - si anume BCR - BPL. Din pacate, am 3 BPL-uri deschise - eu, sotul si copilul. Va rog, sa ma adaugati, in cazul in care se va demara un proces comun, in grupul dumneavoastra. Multumesc, Alina Florentina Saracu - 0741407475,


J KJohannes Keizer
Internet banking de la Banca Transilvania

(sorry in English and wr

(sorry in English and written fast) For more the 15 years I have BT24 internet banking and decided to open Neobt Internet banking not knowing that my BT24 account will remain To open private the internet was no problem but could not find any information about transferring my company account. Here the drama started calling after waiting for hours online and finally after a complain things start moving, received a password to open the online account. Without knowing and surprised I saw in Neobt beside my company account also my private account that I opened before online. After logging in I changed my password and at the next login beside the sms code I was requested to put a new password. Put another password not working, before blocking the account put the sms code and two times the existing password, and surprised the application opened. A few times it was working but suddenly it didn't work anymore, after username and password it went automatic back to the start position. Tried a few times and called the support again, waiting waiting telling the problem, yes you entered the wrong password three times. Ok let’s make a new password, put name, in log data and CNP not working, your CNP is not correct, what I take it from my Romanian ID. No you have to put your date of birth, then your Dutch ID number without the last digit, WHY make it so complicated?? Opened Neobt and stay online I will change the password and the same problem after closing again ask two times the password. Try on another browser, ok but still the same problem, I will call you back........ Sir try this try that, not working, I will call you back. Sir, SOME clients have this problem it is a glitch in the software we are working on it, What after all this you tell me something you know and if you say a few clients I don't believe, Why don't you inform the client via the Neobt and BT 24 banking via a message? Losing all trust in a system that have to manage more internet banking systems I decided to close the Neobt internet banking accounts. So, call them like opening the account, the regulations are that you have to go to the bank to close the account. Sorry can you connect me through I don't agree with this am in the risk age, he just close the phone!!! Called back got a friendly person on the phone listened to my arguments that if you open this account online if necessary, with telegonic support you should also be able to close it this way. Especially because you don't close an account and not closing BT24. She agreed with me said these are the regulations, I did not make them and completed an internal complain form based on my BT account. I don't have the experience that things will change until the banks understand that the client is the base of their existence and that clients how big or small should be treated with respect and above all with a client friendly simple approach. Maybe we have to wait until most of the people have a bank account like for example holland where they give people presents and students credit to open an account. The approach is totally wrong and made a small survey in the company where I work of nearly 200 people. The outcome, 95% of the BT clients to said that they are to say it nice very unsatisfied with the service and procedures of BT bank. And example that stroke me was the story of one of my colleagues who told me the procedure with mobile banking when you change your phone number, terrible and for him even worse because just after he had to go abroad for his job. (I hope I never have to change my phone number again, he said!)


T BTeodor Butean
Banca pentru locuinte de la BCR Banca pentru Locuinte

Fac parte din categoria

Fac parte din categoria celor inselati de catre BCR banca pt locuinte cu 2 contracte din 2015. Va rog sa ma adaugati in grupul pagubitilor! 0751164162 Va multumesc! An Nou Fericit!


M IMonica Corina Ionescu
Prima de la stat de la BCR Banca pentru Locuinte

075 888 777 1

075 888 777 1


M IMonica Corina Ionescu
Banca pentru locuinte de la BCR Banca pentru Locuinte

BCR pt. locuinte NU se f

BCR pt. locuinte NU se face vinovata de neplata primelor de la stat. Statul roman e cel care trebuia sa dea aceste prime. BCR pt. locuinte a initiat o actiune la CEDO in luna martie 2020, cu statul roman. Sa asteptam verdictul CEDO. In instanta noi nu avem castig de cauza atata vreme cat CCR a emis o hotarare defavorabila clientilor BCR pt. locuinte. Acum, fiecare e liber sa aleaga.


P Mpeti mihail
Prima de la stat de la BCR Banca pentru Locuinte

Am respectat toate condi

Am respectat toate conditiile contractului cu banca am platit la timp sumele contractate 5 ani dezile .Sa le fie rusine angajatilor bancii pentru ca sunt niste excroci trebuie dati in judecata pentru inseleciune .Fara rusinare nu respecta un contract facut intre o banca si client Ce fel de banca este aceasta .NICI NU MI-AU DAT PRIMA DE STAT SI IMI CER DOCUMENTE DOVEDITOARE SA DOVEDESC LA CE AM CHELTUIT BANII In perioada in care au folosit banii mei si m-au mintit a trebuit sa intoduc centrala termica in apartament .a trebuit sa cumpar geamuri termoan sa izolez exteriorul apaertamentului ETC dupa excrocii astia ar fi trebuit sa astept sa treaca 5 ani sa primesc ceea ce mi se cuvine dupa un contract cu o banca care se considera NATIONALA V-ATI BATUT JOC DE NATIUNEA ROMINA EXCROCILOR ASA SA VA AJUTE DUMNEZEU


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